Happy Holidays for All: Pet-Safe Treats and Tips for a Joyful Celebration

Pet-Safe Holiday Treats The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, where family and friends gather to share in the warmth of each other’s company—pets included. At Commonwealth Animal Care, we understand that keeping your pets safe during these festive times is paramount. This guide will help you navigate the holiday season with [...]

Happy Howl-o-ween! Keep Your Furry Friends Safe with Our Top Tips

Halloween Safety Tips for Pets As Halloween approaches, excitement fills the air with children and adults alike preparing for a night of spooky fun. Amid the festivities, it's crucial to ensure our pets remain safe and happy. At Commonwealth Animal Care in Lexington, Kentucky, we are committed to helping you celebrate safely with your pets. [...]

Benefits of Routine Veterinary Wellness Care

You may look at your young, healthy pet and think you can skip their annual wellness visit, but routine veterinary care is critical to your four-legged friend’s health and longevity. Our Commonwealth Animal Care team explains why these visits are so beneficial. Routine veterinary wellness care establishes a baseline Veterinary wellness visits are essential for [...]

Golden Tips for Your Senior Pet’s Golden Years

As pets grow older, their needs change and they require more TLC and attention. Many pet owners find this journey rewarding, despite its unique challenges. Whether grooming your pet who has more grey hair or adjusting to their slower pace, supporting your senior pet requires different ways to keep them happy and comfortable. Our Commonwealth [...]

Dogs, Cats, and Ticks, Oh My

A tick-borne disease is transmitted through an infected tick's bite and poses a significant risk to pets, especially during the warmer months. Understanding these diseases, their signs, and how to prevent them is crucial for keeping your best pal healthy and happy. Tick-borne diseases that can affect your pet include Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and [...]

July Fourth Alert: Common Pet Dangers and How to Avoid Them

As July Fourth approaches, the excitement builds for fireworks, barbecues, and festivities. However, amid the thrill, it's essential that pet owners remember their four-legged friends. For cats and dogs, Independence Day can be a distressing time, filled with potential dangers. From loud fireworks to tempting treats, pet owners need to be aware of many hazards [...]

Combating Fleas and Ticks: Essential Prevention Strategies for Pet Owners

Fleas and ticks are tiny creatures that pose a major threat to your pet’s health. These pests cause discomfort and can transmit deadly diseases to your furry pal or other household members. Fortunately, pet owners can take steps to effectively safeguard their pets from these troublesome parasites. The Commonwealth Animal Care team provides information about [...]

The Vital Role of In-House Diagnostic Testing in Pet Health Care

When it comes to your pet’s health status, you want answers fast. With a well-equipped in-house laboratory, you can receive those answers quickly, often within minutes. Learn about the many benefits offered by the state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment our Commonwealth Animal Care team uses. What in-house diagnostic testing does Commonwealth Animal Care offer? In-house diagnostics refer [...]

The Importance of Microchipping Your Pet

Although your pet may have identification tags with your current contact information, the tags can become damaged, lost, or removed. However, a microchip is embedded in your pet’s skin and provides permanent identification. Our Commonwealth Animal Care team believes microchipping is an important pet care element that offers your pet the best chances of returning [...]

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