Advanced Diagnostics
Can save and improve lives.

- Complete blood count (CBC) and blood chemistry panel — These two blood tests impart a vast amount of information about your pet’s health. In a short time, we can determine if anemia, dehydration, inflammation, infection, or organ dysfunction is present.
- Fecal exam — By examining a fecal sample under the microscope, our team can determine whether your pet has an intestinal parasite infection.
- Urinalysis — A few drops of your pet’s urine hold a wealth of information. Our two-part urinalysis can spot kidney dysfunction, infection, urinary crystals, and other urinary issues.
- Cytology — By taking a sample from your pet’s ear debris, skin, or lump, we can quickly diagnose a problem, or determine if additional testing is needed.

In some cases, ultrasound is a better-suited diagnostic tool than X-rays, but oftentimes, the two tests complement each other and are used together to confirm a diagnosis. Typically, an ultrasound is used to evaluate soft tissue structures, such as the organs, lymph nodes, ligaments, and tendons. It can also be used to trace blood flow, verify pregnancy, and assist in obtaining samples with a needle.